The setup of the Mod VS Rockers Ride is simple; Mods meet at one end of the Embarcadero (Red’s Java Hut) in San Francisco, the Rockers congregate at Pier 23. All riders mill around and socialize until the appointed minute, then it’s time to GO. We pretty much have traffic our own way for the next couple of hours, blowing off stop signs/lights in a swarm, with our mutual goal a timed meeting in the middle of the Stockton St. Tunnel, where a few minutes of mayhem commences, before the whole troupe dispersed in advance of any police action. Hooligan fun, nobody gets hurt, no fighting no biting!
Here’s my video of the Tunnel meetup. Yes illegal and inconveniencing traffic, but only for a few minutes, once a year…

I hadn’t seen Danny’s Triton before, which is built from a unit Bonneville engine in a Slimline Featherbed frame. Some interesting contemporary features include the plastic rear fender (front from a Ducati?) and Harleyesque headlamp. Sounded great.