A memorial speech about Robert Hughes in the Australian Parliament (by Parliamentarian Malcolm Turnbull) revealed a deeper story of the Hughes family, which included his father Geoffrey Forrest Hughes, an Australian ace fighter pilot in the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. The elder Hughes had gained fame by shooting down Lothar von Richthofen, less famous than his brother Manfred, but still plenty deadly, with 40 ‘kills’ to his credit. Lothar flew in his elder brother Manfred’s Jasta 11 fighter group (the ‘Flying Circus’), the unit which decimated 75% of the Royal Flying Corps’ planes in 1916.

One of these RFC planes, a Martinsyde ‘Elephant’ bomber (Martinsyde made motorcycles too), was crewed by none other than Oliver Godfrey, who had joined the RFC in early 1916, before new ‘hunter’ squadrons were organized by Oswald Boelcke of the German Imperial Army Air Service. Only 5 years prior, Godfrey headed the Indian 1-2-3 victory at the 1911 Isle of Man TT, and became a hero for racing, but not shooting down planes. Thus are the connections between motorcyclists revealed; Robert Hughes, the brilliant Australian critic on his Honda CB750, and Oliver Godfrey, the taciturn English TT winner on his Indian, via a pair of German aristocrat brothers with a talent for flying, in what was once the most likely opportunity for young men to visit far-off lands…War.

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Once again, excellent! And as fate would have it….An Irishman was also in the top 3….The Irish so
loved the Indian motorcycle that they gave a native son to the factory…..Chief engineer Franklin. Love this stuff.
Hmmmn . Lets see now . I’ve got the Rodders Journal subscription for my hot rod fix . Fretboard Journal for the guitars . Surfers Journal just cause the photos etc are so good and it was the main inspiration for the first two I’ve mentioned .
Don’t you think its about time someone did as classy a job with a motorcyclecentric quarterly journal focussing on classic bikes and extraordinary new rides ?
Methinks you’re elected Paul .
Another Down-Under connection between Indian and Richthofen: the grandfather of Parker Indian Restorations proprieter Jim Parker in Melbourne was a fitter/rigger in an Australian RFC squadron during WWI and he led the firing party for the customary salute at the Red Baron’s funeral!