The Vintagent Selects: A collection of our favorite films by artists around the world.


Run Time: 11:01
Director: Cam Elkins


This whole thing started, as most personal projects start I suppose, out of frustration. Back in 2012, I had just seen two fantastic short films “Solus” by Lossa Engineering and “Chabott Engineering (Shinya Kimura)” by Henrik Hansen and was simultaneously blown away how well these films were made and frustrated that there weren’t more like them.

Soon after, I found the occasional short bike film. But they tended to be much the same. About a builder, working with his hands and why he or she builds and rides the bikes they do. I could never find a video that went further back than that. I wanted to hear their story that got them there. – Cam Elkins


For Chris, the talented builder of this 1971 Triumph Tiger bobber, romance comes in many forms. And, like most of us who have known romance, Chris is not one who would part with his romances lightly.

After hanging up his racing helmet and giving the dirt racers away, Chris realised he needed to keep bikes in his life.

And so, began his life as a road rider and the build of his beautiful Tiger hardtail that would also later bring him solace.


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