The Vintagent Trailers: A preview of our favorite feature films out there.
The Last Motorcycle On Earth (Web/TV Series currently in Production)
Run Time: 4:38
Producer: Geneva Ristau, Neil “Morto” Olson
Director: Eric Ristau
Writer: Eric Ristau
Editor: Geneva Ristau
Key Cast: Neil “Morto” Olson
A note from Writer/Director Eric Ristau: Our current youth culture is largely focused on virtual experiences rather than the tangible, physical stuff past generations were drawn to– in this case, motorcycles, cars and expression of personal freedom through travel. More young people than ever are deciding against getting a driver’s license and interest in ownership of vehicles by that group is at an all-time low. It is said that the last person to receive a driver’s license has already been born.
In a World of Self-Driving Cars, Motorcyclists Fight for Survival.
Motorcycles are outlawed. Gasoline is $20 per gallon. Self-driving cars are taking over. Silicon Valley and the United States Government have collaborated to push society toward a fully-autonomous transportation system. Motorcycles and riders are an easy first target in the drive to ban human-operated vehicles. Impossible, you say? Not so fast. Fundraising now on IndieGogo.
The Last Motorcycle on Earth is a dramatic series about a vintage motorcycle collector and bike builder, Conrad Mendel, as he grapples with a new world of technology that threatens to destroy his passion and way of life.
Read more on the series, filmmakers and become a backer HERE.
Appears to be skillfully done but… I dunno. I tend to agree with the notion, expressed in the note from the director, that a big threat to the motorcycle is the attraction virtual technology has to the young. People, especially the young, are willingly giving up on motorcycles. No need to imagine police seizing motorcycles at gunpoint. I hope this project doesn’t go into that paranoid space. I also suspect that it is possible that arriving technologies will make riding my old motorcycle more safe and more pleasant. The driverless cars could be programmed to give me more space on the road than distracted human drivers (busy with their phones) often allow. With a transponder in my pocket (perhaps just a smart phone of my own) they’ll have little trouble knowing where I am.
Greetings! Thanks for your note. I’m the director and co-writer of The Last Motorcycle on Earth and I hear what you’re saying. We set out to have fun imagining the worst-case scenario for motorcycles and let our characters react in an authentic way on-screen. Questions such as “what would I do if, in fact, motorcycles were outlawed” makes for great human drama– seeing one’s passion or livelihood suddenly in true jeopardy. On an artistic level, it has been quite enjoyable to write and shoot this series, but the subject matter seems to be upsetting to people. This wasn’t my intention, by any means. First and foremost, the trailer is far more intense and ‘action packed’ than the series itself. Yes, we wanted it to be exciting and a bit provocative, but we may have miscalculated the best way to frame the story. Those who who don’t watch the entire trailer seem to think that we are, in fact, promoting a motorcycle ban and producing a documentary film, rather than a fictious drama. And, while the main character is opposed to anything outside of peaceful protest against the draconian laws enacted in the film, people have told us that they are left with an anti-government, conspiracy-theorist tone to the trailer. I can assure you that this series plays much more like a Scandinavian art film than a Hollywood action movie, and steps have been taken to make the setting, theme, and (likable) characters as true to life as possible. You are correct, in the ideal world, autonomous technology will make motorcycles safer, that just doesn’t make an exciting story. Very Best Regards, Eric Ristau
Ahh, American paranoia at its best.
Hi, Royal Enfield
You say ‘they won’t have any trouble knowing where I am’
That’s kind of the point, as a free human being, I assert my right to not have anyone know where I am.
It’s the old exchange your freedoms for ‘perceived’ security…not a great trade.
“He who willingly exchanges liberty for security, deserves neither”
Ride free
Interesting flick. I’m age 72. Been riding, wrenching and racing motorcycles since 1967. Worked as a tech for 10 yrs and taught bike mechanics for 32 yrs. Retired in 2012. Still riding, wrenching and racing. This scenario is already underway in the UK. Check out youtube for videos of acres of vintage British cars awaiting destruction. Sprinkled throughout are vintage Jags, Morgans, Lotus, Mini, Morris minor, Triumphs, Healys, MGs and Land Rovers to name a few. Obama tried to get this going with his “cash for clunkers”. Americans generally ignored the ploy. To support you right to own, ride and race motorcycles join the American Motorcyclist Association. They have a very active and powerful lobby. Regarding the film, what I see that is more likley to happen is insurance companies raising premiums to un-affordable levels and gasoline production being phased out. It is already happening in aviation with gasoline for piston engines becoming harder and harder to get) . When gasoline is gone alky for fuel is a viable but less than optimum alternative. If we brew our own fuel the feds will no doubt make that illegal. I’ll never ride or own an electric bike. No soul. The amount of pollution put out by all bikes in America is a drop in the bucket compared to ships, rail locomotives, jet aircraft, semi rigs and all military vehicles. Given the data banning bikes would have no significant effect on the level of pollution in the U.S..
Just watched this on Netflix and I absolutely loved it. Please tell me there are more episodes coming. Thank you for your work
Year is now 2021. This is chilling to us as the government in place now intends to change laws so they can’t be voted out, and has the “green new deal” agenda. People are complacent now. This may very well be our future.
Brenda, quit smoking them Q-tip cigarettes… seems like the previous administration was the one that planned never to be voted out? And, we’re all for the Green New Deal at the Vintagent, that’s why we promote independent thought around energy alternatives, and carry news about eBike developments. No likee? Go away.