The Vintagent Trailers: A preview of our favorite feature films out there.

The Last Motorcycle On Earth (Web/TV Series currently in Production)

Run Time: 4:38
Producer: Geneva Ristau, Neil “Morto” Olson
Director: Eric Ristau
Writer: Eric Ristau
Editor: Geneva Ristau
Key Cast: Neil “Morto” Olson


A note from Writer/Director Eric Ristau: Our current youth culture is largely focused on virtual experiences rather than the tangible, physical stuff past generations were drawn to– in this case, motorcycles, cars and expression of personal freedom through travel. More young people than ever are deciding against getting a driver’s license and interest in ownership of vehicles by that group is at an all-time low. It is said that the last person to receive a driver’s license has already been born.


In a World of Self-Driving Cars, Motorcyclists Fight for Survival.

Motorcycles are outlawed. Gasoline is $20 per gallon. Self-driving cars are taking over. Silicon Valley and the United States Government have collaborated to push society toward a fully-autonomous transportation system. Motorcycles and riders are an easy first target in the drive to ban human-operated vehicles. Impossible, you say? Not so fast. Fundraising now on IndieGogo.

The Last Motorcycle on Earth is a dramatic series about a vintage motorcycle collector and bike builder, Conrad Mendel, as he grapples with a new world of technology that threatens to destroy his passion and way of life.

Read more on the series, filmmakers and become a backer HERE.



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