Vintagent contributor and film partner David Martinez made the 9-hour trek from his home in San Francisco to the Bonneville Salt Flats for the first time last month. Like anyone with a visual orientation, the place wowed him: “It’s impossible to take a bad photograph there.” He also dug the scene – speed nuts laboring for months builing machines, and risking their safety to break records, addicted to the sheer glory of going fast, with little hope of reward barring recognition from their peers.David spent time with ‘Slim’ Jim Hoogerhyde’s equipe, and Alp Sungertikin’s team, and got to know a few of the regulars who ply their skills on the salt. They were generous with their time despite ever-present struggles with technical problems, time pressures, and exposure to the sun and heat. About the salt this August: it was crap. Soft, wet, and rough, it played havoc with cars and motorcycles, and many of the faster runners were loathe to risk life and limb on the unpredictable surface. Several cars went into high-speed spins, and some folks went home rather than push harder, hoping for better on the next organized run in September.The salt is a strange surface in the best of times, hardly smooth and surprisingly greasy. We imagine tabletop-smooth whiteness, which might happen twice in a lifetime, but mostly, the surface is a chaos of riffles and bumps, which need to be leveled, sorta, by heavy dredges pulled across the surface, creating semi-smooth runways for the record breakers, on the long ‘international’ course, or the shorter course for slower machines. Regardless the quality of the salt, it’s always highly corrosive, and gets into every cranny, so everything touching it requires many hours of cleaning to avoid rapid corrosion. Better than wet sand, I suppose, as it gives a much larger surface to play with at Bonneville, but it’s nothing like traction and smoothness available on asphalt.Enjoy these photos from David Martinez’ first encounter with this fascinating tribe of speed freaks. And check out his work: he’s directed 3 films for ‘The Ended Summer’, about surfer and motorcycle racer Richard Vincent: ‘Model X’, a test ride of a 1933 Matchless V-twin: and ‘Summer Ride’, about the 2017 Wheels&Waves festival in Biarritz. We’re currently discussing a new short film about the Vincent Black Lightning – check out his videos, and stay tuned!
Wrong link for Thompson’s Cycles. You want