We’ve kept track of the World’s Most Expensive Motorcycles since 2009: see our Top 100 list here. These are motorcycles sold at public auction ONLY! We have another list of World’s Most Expensive Private Motorcycle Sales as we know them – check here – but motorcycles sold at auction are the only verifiable sales. Private sales are not verifiable!
The following are the ‘also rans’ that fell off the Top 100 list as other, more expensive motorcycles have been added to the Top 100. These are still an exceptional list of motorcycles, and shine a light on what motorcycles collectors think are the most valuable. This list is evergreen, and will be added to as other machines fall off the Top 100…
The Also Rans:

May 2021, Las Vegas, Mecum

Mar. 2015, Las Vegas, Mecum

April 2017, Stafford, Bonhams

Aug. 2017, Monterey, Mecum

October 21, 2006, Gooding and Co.

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2020, Las Vegas, Mecum

Feb 2016, London, Coys

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

Aug. 2015, Monterey, Mecum

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

April 2015, Stafford, Bonhams

Jan. 2020, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2016, Las Vegas, Mecum

May 2021, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2014, Las Vegas, Mecum

Oct. 2018, Stafford, Bonhams

Feb 2016, London, Coys

Jan. 2016, Las Vegas, Mecum

Mar. 2015, Las Vegas, Mecum

Mar 2015, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan 2011, Las Vegas, MidAmerica

January 2016, Las Vegas, Mecum

October 2015, Stafford, Bonhams

April 2017, Stafford, Bonhams

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2020, Las Vegas, Mecum

Jan. 2019, Las Vegas, Mecum

Some of these make ( some ) sense . Others …. not so much .
Oh well … a fool and his/her money ……..
For future events ;
Question ; How can you tell your favorite classic ( or otherwise ) motorcycle / automotive event has been gentrified to the hilt becoming the epitome of HST’s ” The Kentucky Derby has become Decadent and Depraved ” ?
Answer ; When the watches on the men attending / participating wrists equals or exceeds the value of the upper end majority of the motorcycles/ cars present .
( fashion ??? .. in light of fashion having become cheap materials , poorly tailored crap with a label .. clothing is no longer an accurate gauge of wealth )
These are still an exceptional list of motorcycles, and shine a light on what motorcycles collectors think are the most valuable.