The Vintagent Selects: A collection of our favorite films by artists around the world.


Run Time: 6:05
Producer: Baikudokan Productions, Van Loom Films
A Film By: Greg O’Keefe
Writer: Greg O’Keefe, Clay Babb
Key Cast: Clay Babb, Betsy (1966 Harley Davidson Police Special)


The video was produced, directed, and edited by Greg O’Keefe of Baikudo™ (Japanese for The Way of the Motorcycle™) Productions, with cinematography by Joel Van Loon of Van Loon Films. The music was created by David Borgeson of Brown Bag Luncheon. Greg, a university professor, spent a few years as a dedicated single dad since losing his wife to cancer in early 2020. He has recently remarried in 2023. He looks forward to creating more motorcycle videos and capturing thrilling action shots on the road. His daughter sometimes comes on shoots with him. Joel, a full-time at-home Dad, shares Greg’s passion for videography and also podcasts about fathers raising children in Japan. Additionally, he’s a talented jewelry designer.


Who would have ever imagined finding one of life’s great loves in an old barn? That’s exactly where Clay Babb first encountered his one and only. When he discovered Old Betsy, she wasn’t the beauty she is today. Their journey began with a bumpy ride home, but from that moment on, their bond only grew stronger. Who says love can’t transform us? Clay has poured his heart into making Betsy run as smoothly as a dream. The years may have left their mark on her, but the dedication and passion Clay has shown in keeping her running are truly remarkable. This love shows no signs of fading anytime soon.


Baikudo – The Way of the Motorcycle – Instagram

Baikudo – The Way of the Motorcycle – Youtube

Baikudo – The Way of the Motorcycle – Facebook page

Music by David Borgeson at Brown Bag Luncheon

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