The Motorcycle Portraits is a project by photographer/filmmaker David Goldman, who travels the world making documentaries, and takes time out to interview interesting people in the motorcycle scene, wherever he might be.  The result is a single exemplary photo, a geolocation of his subject, and a transcribed interview.  The audio of his interviews can be found on The Motorcycle Portraits website.

The following Motorcycle Portraits session is with Megan Griffiths, better known on Instagram as @megs_braap, a dedicated dirt bike and trials rider.

Megan Griffiths by David Goldman.

“My name is Megan Griffiths, also known as @mags_braap. I got into dirt biking when I was 17 years old.  Ever since I was a kid, I wanted something with a motor, something that could take me places, and eventually, I had enough money to get one. I was choosing between a quad and a dirt bike, so I walked into a Yamaha dealership, and saw a beautiful TTR 125. And thank God, I chose that over the quad.

“Regardless of your size, or your gender, or whatever it may be, you can do anything anyone else can on a bike. I mean, people tend to shy away from riding certain bikes or riding difficult terrain because ‘oh, I’m a woman,’ or because ‘I’m small and I can’t touch the ground.’ All it takes is more work. It’s just more work putting in the time, and you can do anything.

David Goldman (DG): How old were you when you bought your first bike?

Megan Griffiths (Megs): 16 or 17? I can’t remember.

DG: And where you grew up, is it common that 16 year olds are buying these kinds of vehicles?

Megs: I think most people start when they’re younger, and their parents get them into it.

DG:  When you bought your bike did the salesperson think twice about you being a woman?

Megs: They didn’t seem to think anything of it. I mean, it was a complete beginner’s bike. I’m a small person, and a TTR 125 is a really small bike. So they actually pushed me in that direction. It was a good beginner bike for me.

DG: And where you grew up were there tracks to ride on?

Megs: Yep, but I didn’t know about them. At the time, I didn’t even know we had such a beautiful trail system. I would just explore fire roads, logging roads, stuff like that. And then eventually I discovered single track. That’s where everything started to take off. I didn’t have any friends that I rode with. My brother and I actually took turns on the bike: we’d go out together and one of us would like stand in the parking lot while the other went out. And then we’d switch.

Megan Griffiths by David Goldman

DG: You’re pretty big on social media. You have like 130,000 followers. How would you say that happened?

Megs: The right people shared my posts. I mean, I started doing some pretty gnarly stuff. When it actually started was when I posted a video of a three foot suspended log crossing. And I guess most people don’t picture a five foot three woman riding over stuff like that. That got shared a lot, and people started seeing my stuff, and it started growing from there.

DG: Did you have other young women reaching out to you, saying that you inspire them?

Megs: Yeah, it happens all the time. And it’s actually really empowering, to know that I’m having an influence on other women and men. I mean, that means a lot.

Megan Griffiths by David Goldman



David Goldman is photographer and filmmaker who has traveled the world on projects documenting human trafficking, maternal health and marginalized people. He also interviews and photographs motorcyclists in this travels for his series The Motorcycle Portraits. You can follow his website here, his IG here, and his FB here. Explore all his stories for The Vintagent here.