From the affordable and super durable SONDORS Metacycle EV bike that features hub motor technology designed to eliminate the common chain/belt final drive (a frustration to many of you traditional riders, we know!) to batteries that promise to charge to 80% in just 30 minutes, here are our picks for the most buzzworthy EV stories of the week!
The SONDORS Metacycle Will Soon Be Hitting the Market

Husqvarna Unveils Its First EV Street Bike

At Energica, Shorter Charging Times Are Around the Corner

In a recent interview with Visordown, Testoni stated, “Of course, there was already a Japanese standard, but we were the first to start on a European standard, enabling charging to 80% in half an hour. In real use, when you stop for refueling, you go and drink some coffee, 20 minutes, it’s very easy to reach that target.” While this is a good start, Testoni believes that an 85% charge in just 15 minutes is completely achievable in the very near future.
An EV Ducati?!

Ghanain Teenager Builds Solar-Powered Wooden Scooter from Scrap
Samuel, a 17-year old student in Ghana, gained insta-fame last week for his home-built, solar-powered electric scooter, built entirely from scrap wood and discarded parts. The scooter charges its battery from a small solar panel on the back, uses very low-draw LED lights front and rear, and incorporates the small electric motor from his mother’s sewing machine! The scooter is totally functional, and captured global attention after a Ghanaian YouTube star (Efo Selasi) featured him on his channel. Now we wonder, how can we get this young man a scholarship for the engineering school he is so clearly ready for?

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