California has been swimming an atmospheric river so long its residents are traumatized, tired of getting wet, and pulling U-turns at the first sight of an orange cone. That might be an explanation for the dozen empty spots on the grass at this year’s Quail Motorcycle Gathering, or it could simply be lucky year #13 parsing the solidly committed from the those who let a 20% chance of rain convince them to miss a pretty amazing weekend.

Hey hey … good ta see yer fuzzy mug on the AW coverage PdO ! 😎 … maybe next year fer me … we’ll see .
And ahhh .. so now the Quality is going ‘ custom ‘ ? Hmmmmmm
Also .. as a reminder
Q; How do you tell the event yer attending is or has become the very essence of gentrification ?
A; The the cost of the watches on attendees wrists equals or exceeds the cost of the items on display . .. not to mention the overall ‘ whiteness ‘ of the vent …
One correction .. ‘ Quality ‘ should of been Quail ( damn over rambunctious spellcheck )
And .. err … I’s afeared my mug aint quite as fuzzy … what with the snow on the roof falling off … and a hard core goatee rather than full beard on the mug .. So if I makes it … well … if ya sees what appears to be a walking , talking , living embodiment of a goateed Giacometti statue walking ’round … well PdO … that’l be me 😎
Hmmm … love the JEEP Truckster / bike in the back combination .
Love what Max brought as well … though in light of the overall tone of the event .. I’d of chosen his incredible KN1200 … classy doesn’t even come close to what that gem is
And the custom that absolutely should be there ?
Von Dutch’s XAVW …
I wish I could be as enthusiastic about the last Quail… This was the 4th Quail I attended and had to be the one with least amount of displays. It felt like the organizers used all their “arrangement ” skills to make the grounds appear somewhat busy. I displayed at the first 2 shows I attended and visited the 3rd one as part of “why we ride” group. The first indicator this year will have a weak turnout was “why we ride” sign up reminders I was receiving practically all the way to the day the group left for the show. The second was an ability to snag a parking spot right by the entrance an hour and a half after the show began. The only thing that didn’t change was sell out of VIP tix but it seems like the offering on the tables reflected the amount of visitors – sparse.
I really like the Quail, considering I rode the 1098 SFS from Los Angeles to Carmel. Might even consider displaying a bike or two but the organizers must do a better job of promoting. It appears that no one is breaking down the door any longer to get their bike into the show, and I’d hate to see the show just vanish.