Daytona Bike Week traces it roots to the 1937 origins of the Daytona 200 beach races, as a spontaneous gathering of racing fans who traveled to Florida to ‘watch ’em howl…down in Daytona’ [re: Vance in The Loveless]. As there was money to be made from vacationing bikers, the gathering was soon supported and organized by the Daytona Chamber of Commerce, despite a tradition of rowdy behavior and a legacy of as many as 20 rider deaths every year. Various associated events are organized around Bike Week, in Volusia County (the DeLand Bike Rally in Downtown DeLand on the first Saturday of Bike Week), and in DeLeon Springs. These days approximately 500,000 people make their way to Daytona for the 10-day event. Festivities include motorcycle racing, concerts, parties, and street festivals. The event is usually held on the first full week of March (including the Fri-Sat-Sun prior to) and contends with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as the most popular motorcycle rally in the United States.
A collection of slides from the 1973 Daytona Bike Week recently arrived in The Vintagent Archive, a slideshow of a particular moment in time, with a unique flavor: the first years of the Japanese four-cylinder roadsters, the apex years of early chopper development post-Easy Rider, the cars and businesses of the period. I don’t know the builders of some of these choppers, nor the names of participants, so if you recognize anyone, please give a shout! Otherwise, enjoy a trip back in time.
Gots to jes love them 70’s choppers . Ya may hate riding em ( I did ) but ya jes gotta love the look … outrageous …indivdual ( unlike the multitude of checkbook H-D’s today ) … various power plants … yet still somehow …. somewhat … errr … functional
I love all bikes, even choppers.
I’m am lucky to have a collection of classic bikes and I would be remiss to be without a chopper.
Currently it is a MotoGuzzi Chop-bassador. Previously owned by a gent deep in the 70’s chopper world. This isn’t my first and won’t be my last long bike.
If you’ve never properly owned one, you’ll never know! They really are full of character and very enjoyable to ride.
Denis J Sacramento,CA
I am a boomer and I just remember the choppers with the Triumph engine extendEd forks and decorative cap
I have been riding and wrenching since 1971 and my first year to go to DAYTONA BIKE WEEK WAS 1974 and have been going every year since and it was A BLAST and VERY WIDE OPEN BIKES BOOZE AND BROADS and a real FREAK SHOW way different from the COP ENFORCED restricted activity going on now It used to be a GREAT OLD SCHOOL BIKER PARTY now it’s a WASHED OUT Diluted joke 🤔
So true. Can’t even get a title flash now as the cops are looking to ticket the women. Seldom go to the strip now.
That’s a nice collection of photos from way back.
In the first Coney Island bike pic, the owner utilized an Welton stereo(with suction cup bottom) as a traveling sound system. Very innovative! I still have that same unit, affectionately called the space helmet radio, at home.
What do I remember about Daytona’73? Jarno Saarinen!