‘Norton’ George Cohen

Mr. Norton, the Inestimable Dr. George, has Left the Track

Motorcycle Specials #1

Martin Squires’ Grindlay-Peerless ‘Hundred Model’

The End of Motorcycles at Pebble Beach, In Verse

Set to the tune of 'Mighty Casey at Bat', Paul d'Orleans sings the sad song of the failed motorcycle concours at…

Tutorial for the ‘Car Guys’: Why Bikes?

Thoughts on collecting with Stephen Cox led to thoughts on why car collectors should switch to bikes.

A Visit to Verralls

Be prepared for a cuppa, as the friendly folks who run Verralls will always provide a comfortable moment to look at…

Prouvé, Ennui, and the Problem of Cash

Money is the root of all evil, so they say, but it certainly catches our attention. Is it the best way to cultivate…

3 Days in Paris: Retromobile 2012

Paris in February? Oui, as that's when the awesome Rétromobile show happens.

Ralph Lauren at the Louvre

A display of 17 fantastic cars owned by Ralph Lauren and on display at the Louvre's Design Museum begs questions of…

2011 Concorso Villa d’Este

It's small and mostly private, but the Concorso Villa d'Este is the most spectacular vintage motoring exhibit on the…

1911: Indians Sweep Isle of Man TT

Oliver Godfrey rode the first non-English motorcycle to win the Isle of Man TT, and Indians took the top 3 spots - a…

Building a Norton Four

In the mid-1960s, there were no 4-cylinder motorcycles to buy, so riders made one. Mick King tells us how he did it in…

The Blue Box

The Audi Museum in 2009 only exhibited DKW motorcycles, but a visit to the basement revealed a treasure trove of unseen…

Rocket Cycles! Part 2: Archibald Low

Archibald Montgomery Low invented a television in 1914, concepted digital television and photography, and loved…

Book Review: ‘Private Owner’

Les Higgins was bitten by the racing bug while still a schoolboy, and spent his modest weekly wages buying used racing…

Then and Now

Graeme Brown worked for the Douglas factory, and built a badass special to race at Brooklands that remains at that…

The Amazing Zelocette!

Paul Zell builds amazing 'bigger banger' Velocettes, and this 700cc Zellocette is a 700cc version of an MSS Scrambler,…

Brooklands Relived 2005: David Vincent

David Vincent won his Gold Star in 1936 aboard a two-year old Velocette KTT MkIV, on of only 29 riders to win the award…