The Vintagent Selects: A collection of our favorite films by artists around the world.
BLACK KAT (2013)
Run Time: 4:48
Director & Script: Mark MacInnis
Music: Georg Egloff
Producer: Mark MacInnis Stefanie Bockenstette
Associate Producer: Stephanie Wolf
Director of Photography: Montgomery Fisher
Camera Operator: Vince Patrick
Editor Angel Martinez
Styling: Bryan Leigh Smith
Mark MacInnis has quickly established himself as a director with an eye towards civil progress and social responsibility. His first film Urban Roots opened theatrically in partnership with Whole Foods Markets throughout the US. MacInnis was born in Detroit. He got his start in filmmaking working on independent films in urban Detroit’s melting pot of local musicians, automotive designers, and photographers. He has since directed film and commercial projects in Los Angeles, New York, Italy, India, and France. MacInnis most recently launched the production company Dos Caminos with partners Wil Thomas and James Ken Blackmon. Focusing on automotive, motorcycle and lifestyle content, their first film Sugar & Spade is currently screening around the world.
Rick Monahan has dedicated his life to vintage BMW motorcycles. He didn’t watch Easy Rider, he lived it. Read how Rick’s passion for these bikes sustained him from bad ass teen shooting down Route 66 to opening his own indie garage in order to “pollinate Western L.A. with as many BMW’s as possible.”
Rick is a guy you want to learn from. Hear recommendations from a veteran rider on maintenance schedules, what gear to carry, and how to get solid on your bike. From staying alive to maintaining a righteous ride, this multimedia ibook we created has it covered.
Download the FREE BLACK KAT multimedia iBook.