The platform is centered on a CAD-designed, TIG-welded, steel, “container” style chassis featuring a motor-plate that’s been pre-drilled allowing for a number of different electric AC or DC powertrains to bolt directly in — though Shed Rides makes specific reference to a 22hp unit in a recent press release. Thanks to Unistrut-compatible frame-spars, powertrain and other internal components can easily be mounted too.
The “Frame One” also boasts cross-tubes that serve as mounting points for a number of bolt-on racks — which are offered in standard units or available custom – and other accessories. The company says the chassis was designed to accommodate generic, readily available suspension and brake components from existing pit-bike models, making sourcing parts both easy and affordable.

On top of simply selling customers the Shed One kit, the West Yorkshire-based startup has announced it will be offering a myriad of classes, teaching owners how to do everything from assemble, to maintain, to upgrade their new e-Bike. The hands-on education consists of both classroom lessons and classes held in a workshop.
Classes are slated to begin in September of 2019, and a free one-hour teaser workshop is available to anyone — plus discounts on classes will be offered to Shed One buyers. For more information on specific lesson plans you can checkout the “Courses” page on the Shed Rides website. While the classes do cost money to attend, Shed Rides says it will also be offering (Ikea-style) phone and email support for technical help and troubleshooting.
Good Today, Good Tomorrow
Shed Rides has also accounted for the rapid pace at which EV tech is currently advancing, by offering future-proof upgrades that are supposedly to be made available down the road, allowing owners to up-spec their motors, batteries, controllers, etc. This should, in theory, prevent the Shed One from being totally obsolete by the time the Shed Two rolls around.

Like many of today’s highly-modular offerings, The Shed One — which is said to be street-legal — is being launched with a bevy of bolt-on parts and accessories, allowing customers to tailor their respective machines to their specific tastes and needs. In addition to the aforementioned luggage racks, Shed Rides is also reportedly offering a number of (plastic vacuum-formed) body panels, stands, displays (including using a Smartphone), regenerative braking, Bluetooth connectivity, alarm, remote starting, and a slew of electrical bits such as lighting,

Despite the Shed One not officially launching until September, the company is already keen to receive public feedback on its inaugural offering. For this reason Shed Rides will be attending North England’s upcoming Manchester Bike Show — held on the weekend of March 23rd/24th 2019. According to the company’s press release, the feedback received on the Shed One’s final design, and custom/add-on options will help the startup determine an ultimate price for the DIY kit — a factor that I imagine will play a pivotal role in determining Shed Rides’ overall success.
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