End of an Era: Flat Track on the Indian FT750

To beat the Indians, it took immense talent, a huge heart, big balls, and the right bike. Soon, every rider wanted an…

What’s a Gentleman to Do?

The Shadow brought memories of simpler times, before drugs and alcohol and 'going fast' was everything. When the…

Love, Liquor, and Lawyers

It had been a hard day at work, but that's why they pay you, right? The ride home was my redemption; my anguish faded…

Road Test – More than Zero

Rolling on the throttle aggressively to blend into traffic, the ZERO spun up the back tire hard, snapping me opposite…

The Benevolent Outlaw

She called the bike my mistress, saying it gave me things she couldn't. How I walked taller after a spirited ride. And…

‘Cause She’s So High Above Me

Mike Lawless encountered some high class folks in his old job selling luxury cars. And sometimes they encountered him…

The Essential Machine

Is there anything as lonely as riding a single-cylinder motorcycle on a blustery winter's day? Even when it's sharp as…

Praise for The Unloved

Small motorcycles are not part of the conversation in the USA: our domestic brands don't even build them, unless…

How I Got Here

I feel awkward when normal folk see me in my racing gear. Kind of like the guy in the movie  "Electric Horseman"…

Would You Risk Your Life for $1500?

His buddies might make more money. But they're never happy. Always bitching about their jobs. They live for the…

Thinking of ‘Fast Eddie’

We talked motorcycle for a bit. I heard one of the guys call him Fast Eddie. To me, he was always Mr. Fisher. His…

Regular Hospitals Hate Us! 

Regular hospitals hate us. Have they never suffered for their art? Experience has taught me I'm better off saying I…

The Perfect Lap: Don Emde

I turned 18 years old in 1969, the minimum age to race motorcycles professionally in the United States, when dirt track…

The Spectacle of Speedway

What's it like to race Speedway, with no brakes or suspension, doing 0 to 60 in three seconds, on a bike with 70+hp…

EZ Does It

Learning the hard way is painful. Life over the limit beat me down, and I grew gun shy from injury. Tired of…

The Highline: Morgen Mischler

What does it take to be a racer? Morgan Mischler talks to Mike Lawless about 'big balls and hard work'

The Man Who Beat Marquez

Brad Baker flew to Spain, borrowed a bike, and beat Marc Marquéz. But it took years for Mike Lawless to get the…