Kingston Custom: Oehlerking’s Magic Machines

With a background in motocross racing, wrenching, metal working and retailing new motorcycles, Dirk Oehlerking draws from a deep well of experience when crafting his custom builds. At the age of six, Dirk built his first custom – a bicycle with a long, stretched out fork in the style of an Easy Rider machine. That ignited a passion for wheels and then engines, and ever since he’s been heavily involved in motorcycles and other machines. Although he spent several decades pursuing other aspects of the industry, he came full circle in 2010. “I was…

The Motorcycle Portraits: Jamie Nelson

If you mash up Marylin Minter's glitter, '70s era Oui and Easyriders magazines…

In the Darkness: Langdon Clay’s Cars, NYC 1974-76

"I picked the cool designs, but rusting out and banged up. Since things were…

The Motorcycle Portraits: Anne-France Dautheville

"I rode a motorcycle around the world, around Australia, around South America,…

Art of Ride – Bernard Testemale

Art of Ride explores the connection between folks who love vehicles and folks…

A Visit to Lewis Leathers (2013)

Derek Harris never intended to own Lewis Leathers, yet spent years researching…

Freeze Frame – Allan Tannenbaum

Allan Tannenbaum has been a celebrity photographer, photojournalist, and…

My Coney Island Baby

'When Edison invented the lightbulb, it they lit up Coney Island. And that’s…

Qun Hung – One Hand Made

Qun Hung turned a bad crash and nerve damage into a challenge and a new career…

The Remarkable Mister Cox

Known for his 'little NYC choppers' of extraordinary quality, Paul Cox has been…

Winston Yeh and Rough Crafts Motorcycles

With a Masters in Industrial Design, Winston Yeh brings a fresh approach to…