Death By Cocteau

In 1949, Jean Cocteau invented the 'Dark Rider' image in his film 'Orphée', and…

Martin Squires: Jake De Rosier at 90mph

Vintagent Contributor Martin Squires interprets a hair-raising 1911 interview…

Motorcycle Specials: Maurice Brierley’s Methamon

Artist Martin Squires brings his paints when he visits Maurice Brierley’s wild…

The Vintagent Selects: Vincent Black Lightning

Follow the heartwarming yet tragic love story of Red Molly and James. An…

The Vintagent Original: Custom Revolution

Custom Revolution is the first major museum exhibition to celebrate the new,…

Art and the Motorcycle (2): The Futurists

The Futurists were the only Modern Art movement to explore the motorcycle as…

A Conversation with Olivier Mosset

Artist Olivier Mosset displayed his white monochrome paintings with choppers at…

100 Years Ago: Harley-Davidson Military Testing in 1918

In 1918, Harley-Davidson motorcycles and sidecars were shown off for inspectors…

The Current: Wannabe AlSi9Mg E-Chopper

The Wannabe electric chopper removes the V-twin but keeps the vroom!

Reviving a Racer: Atelier Chatokine by Laurent Nivalle

Richard Vincent's historic Velocette racer gets a rebuild at Atelier Chatokhine…

100 Years Ago: Harley-Davidson Training Schools in 1918

In a canny business move, Harley-Davidson provided the US Military with free…

Class C Racing in California: 1935

Class C racing was the AMA's answer to the Great Depression, opening up…

Two-Wheeled Icons of the 1980s

1980s motorcycle design was a radical departure from the 1970s, as both…

The Ride: Wedge Motorcycles Honda CB750F

Takashi Nihira of Wedge motorcycles does all his own fabrication, building, and…

The Vintagent Selects: Josh Kurpius DKS! Harley Davidson Ambassador

DKS! went to Milwaukee, WI. to meet up with Josh Kurpius at the Harley Davidson…

The Mexican Suitcase

4000 photos from 3 celebrated photojournalists in the Spanish Civil War lay in…